

Quality products - the choice of professionals - available to you.

Personal care products are available from many sources, but the best quality products are those carried at professional establishments like ours. Don't be fooled by imitations and imposters. To ensure you receive a consistent, exceptional quality product, be sure to purchase your goods from authorized salon professionals. Experience the difference by using the fine products we use everyday and make available for purchase by our clients. We will recommend just the right product to meet your needs.

Brands List

100% Pure Logo

100% Pure

100% Pure Cosmetics


There are many toxic chemicals in cosmetic products that have been clinically proven to cause cancer, tumors, irritation and many different skin disorders. 100% Pure products are truly 100% Pure. That means there are no synthetic chemicals, chemical preservatives, artificial fragrances, artificial colors, harsh detergents or any other unhealthy toxins. Truly health food for your skin.  An ever expanding line, ask the staff at Karma for more information.

Deva Curl Logo

Deva Curl

Perfect for curly, wavy and chemically dehydrated hair, DevaCurl cleansers and styling products are 100% sulfate, paraben and silicone free. The curl care collection contains only the healthiest oils and botanical extracts – like olive oil, lavender and wheat protein – to gently cleanse, hydrate and lock-in moisture. Free your inner Curl. Do the Deva 3-Step and discover three simple steps to     perfect curls.

Goldwell Logo


A largely plant based color system, Karma chooses Goldwell products because it is moisture rich and adds shine and texture. 

Ask about Goldwell's new ammonia-free hair color system 92% naturally derived: Nectaya!

All Goldwell products are developed according to the professional standards of experienced hairstylists. Sound experience and knowledge about hair cosmetic products and their effect on hair and scalp enables them to offer completely effective and advanced products.

Surface  Logo


Karma Salon proudly offers Surface hair products.  A wide selection guarantees there is something for every hair type.  After years of searching, we found that Surface shampoos, conditioners, styling and restorative products are the most eco-friendly and effective available.  Ask about the Basso Oil penetrative treatment that repairs hair from the inside out.

Surface hair care products are inspired by Wayne Grund and leading hairdressers throughout North America. Surface pushed their team of chemists harder than they have ever been pushed, globally sourcing unique eco-friendly formulas with natural ingredients, while ensuring superior performance hair care. DOING WHAT IS RIGHT HAS NEVER LOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL.

All logos appearing on this page are trademarked (™), restricted (®) and/or copyrighted (©), and are the exclusive property of their respective owners. The inclusion of these logos in no way implies any official endorsement by the companies represented.

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